
The Franciscan Ceramics Archive
The Franciscan Ceramics Archive is a repository of historical documentation and is dedicated to the preservation of the history of Franciscan Ware products and Gladding, McBean & Co.
The Archive’s website has been made possible by the generous support of the following donors
Alexandra Grant Greeley, Susan Greeley, Christopher Greeley, Michael Greeley, Nita Kroninger, Carolyn MacKenzie Miller, Anne Christiansen, Maureen Cody, Verlee Terwilliger, Malinda Romine, Karen Shank & Toby Lange, Karen Proctor, Elizabeth Pettit, Leslie Young, Daniel Hara, Earl Wiklund, Judith Nickels, Array Ryker, Norman Gillespie, Deb Sanchez, Jenny Taylor, Robert Dillworth, Thomas Kormos, Maureen Phillips, Patrick Barry, Amy Hardman, Gabriel Ugolini, Florence Hannick, the Estate of Rupert Deese, Nina Karner, Maureen Cody, Joe Ogle, Karen Griffin, Mary McClain, Shannon Donohue, Bill Straus, Satya Franche, Ma Kirtan, Eirik Huset, Susan Delguidice, Nina Walker, Jenny Taylor, Amy Murray, Robert Edwards, Donald Miller, Lorrayne Carpenter, Todd Miller, Teresa Elkinton, D’lyn Bruce, Christen Weller, Brenda McBeath, and Lisa McCaffrey.
In Memory of my mother, Yvonne Bishop
In Memory of Minnie Weiss
In Honor of Shelley Hall
In Memory of Francis & Kathy Chun
In Memory of my mother, Betty Compton Selberg, who loved collecting Franciscan China.