Tile Murals
Four Elements Mural

The Four Elements mural was executed in 1966 for the reception area of the Interpace Corporation’s headquarters in Parsippany , New Jersey. Designed my Millard Sheets, executed by Dora De Larios, Helen Watson, Jerry Rothman and Francis Chun. 35′ x 35′ on 12″ square tiles. Not visible in reception area of extant building, either removed or covered up.
Disneyland – AT&T Building

“The Spirit of Creative Energies among Children” mural was executed in 1966 on the exterior of the AT&T Circle-Vision 360 Building in Disneyland’s TomorrowLand, Anaheim, California.. Designed by Mary Blair, executed by Elsa Rady, Francis Chun, and Mildred Downing. 12” square tiles, size unknown. Covered and hidden in place, or possibly demolished. See Mary Blair Tile Murals.
Disneyland – Monsanto Building

“The Spirit of Creative Energies among Children” mural was executed in 1967 on the exterior of the Monsanto’s “Adventure Thru Inner Space” Building in Disneyland’s TomorrowLand, Anaheim, California. Designed by Mary Blair. Executed by Elsa Rady, Francis Chun, and Mildred Downing. 12 square tile, unknown size. Covered and hidden, partially destroyed in 1987 or demolished entirely. See Mary Blair Tile Murals.
Jules Stein Eye Insitute, UCLA

The Jules Stein Eye Institute mural was executed in 1966. Designed by Mary Blair, the mural is in the waiting room. The mural was executed by Francis Chun, Elsa Rady, Dora De Larios, and Robert Miracle as the Coordinator. 12″ square tiles, finished size unknown on multiple walls. See Mary Blair Tile Murals.
Hilton Rainbow Tower

The Hilton Rainbow Tower murals were executed in 1968 on the north and south facades of the Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii. Designed by Millard Sheets, the mural was executed by student interns selected by Millard. 12” square tiles. Each 8,046 tiles, 280’ (30 stories) high and 26’ wide. The murals are still extant with minor restorations.
Coco Palms Resort Hotel

Three murals were executed for the Coco Palms – “The Birth of Hawaii,” “From the Advent of the Missionaries” and “The Races of Hawaii” in 1968. Designed by Millard Sheets and executed by Francis Chun, Mildred Downing, and supervised by Sherry Stanton on 12″ tiles. Unknown if extant, the building was damaged and decaying awaiting redevelopment in 2012.
Disney World Contemporary Resort

The Grand Canyon Concourse mural in the Fourth Floor Lobby of the Disney World Contemporary Resort in Orlando, Florida was executed in 1970-71. Designed by Mary Blair and executed by Dora De Larios as the Lead Artist with a team of assistants on 12″ square tiles. See Mary Blair Tile Murals.
Los Angeles City Hall East
The two “Family of Man” murals were completed in 1971 and installed in 1972 on the west and east facades of the Los Angeles City Hall East. Designed by Millard Sheets, the murals were executed by Millard Sheets Studio employees Susan Hertel, Nancy Colba and Millie Horlach with Interpace employees Sherry Stanton and Mildred Downing. The murals were executed at Millard Sheets Studio and fired at Interpace.
Sunset Magazine
“The Southwest and the Northwest” mural was installed in the dining room of the Lane Magazine and Book Company Sunset Magazine in Menlo Park, California in 1973. Designed by Millard Sheets and executed by Millard Sheets Studio employees Nancy Colba, and Susan Hertel. The mural was executed at Millard Sheets Studio and fired at Interpace.
Allan M. Hirsch Residence

The mural was made for behind the bar in the Allan M. Hirsh Residence in Palm Beach, Florida. Hirsh was the Chairman and CEO of Interpace Corporation until 1967. Date unknown. Designed and executed by Francis Chun on 12″ tiles.
AFL-CIO of Hawaii Building

Designed and executed by artist Balazs Szabo in 1980 for the AFL-CIO building in Honolulu, Hawaii. The twenty-three-foot mural depicts sandblasters, pipe-fitters, masons, carpenters, and flagmen laborIng against a graphically composed backdrop with Diamond Head, rainbows and palm trees. Executed on 12″ tiles, the mural’s existence is unknown.
Location Unknown Murals